
This Spot

This little area of my life has been on my mind like a CD on repeat. So when that happens my mind must act, and today is the day.
As we all know, this season we are in has been more than testing our abilities to adapt. I do my best to not complain. Whining will get me nowhere but into the gutters of my own self pity.
Find the positive. Do your best to always try to find the positive. Good can be found in everything. Yes, everything.
Getting along. With all of the cooped-up-ness, we have been getting along. Like whole heartedly wanting no more than each others company. What a blessing. By this time of year, I am usually not in my prime.  A bit edgy. A bit ouchy. Well let's be honest, not your favorite person to be around.
There were steps taken with the little women to insure our weeks of rarely leaving the house were smooth.

Footnote: As your little children grow don't think for a second that "nap time" is not needed. My 11 and 8 year olds don't nap (like fall asleep), but they do have to take 20 to 30 minutes a day in their own rooms. This is for summer, snow days, and days when we are all here all day long.

 Doors shut. 
No electronics. 
You can gently play, by gently, I mean no flipping. 
Ainzli would do cartwheels all day long. 
You can read. 
You can rest your eyes. 
This has been a life safer.
A true recharge for the rest of our day.
And I'm not going to lie and say that they are always on board.
There have been tears shed in the discussion of how tired one is not.
As mom, I persevere.

This year is different and I am grateful for it.

Have a wonderful weekend,