
Cloud 9

I had mentioned a month or so ago about a project that I was working on for church. There was a bible study that started the beginning of September called "Cloud 9: A Call to Rise Above Common Ground". These are nine different ways for us to live a life more in line with that of Jesus Christ. Each week one of the 9 different subjects was discussed. Along with discussion, there was a plethra of scripture for us to reference, along with a challenge on that specific subject.

Well, I have finally finished it. I had so many idea's that I batted around, it was hard to narrow them down. Some I tried and they just did not look right, they didn't make sense, or they were just plain "bad" ideas.

Here is an example of the first idea I had:

The Challenge For This Week:

In the next 30 days read through one of the Gospels of Jesus Christ.

I was moving right along with this idea and I really like it in small projects, the first three weeks came to me so easily, but then I started to struggle with new ideas for all the letters. "Oh no", I thought, "I want all the letters to be different and this is going to be crazy hard and I have not allotted myself enough time......."You see procrastination is one of my virtues, curses I mean. Then the more I thought about it, this is a very busy design, and trying to put them all together just looked like a complete mess......... This is a "negative ghostrider."

So the review is coming up with the Crash (middle school aged group) at Harvest . My finished product is below, and to be honest, I am pleasantly optimistic that they will like it. The design is more tween geared and I hope will be a reminder to them that there are so many reasons to "Rise Above Common Ground."

Now here is my challenge to you....... pull out your Bible and take a look at these scriptures.
Trust me, you will feel anew.

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