
Kindergarten Round-Up

She is going to be 6 in July, she is more than ready, she is as "mature" as a 5 year old can be, but I don't quite feel ready. Honestly, right at this moment, I am holding tears back.

We had Kindergarten Round-Up this week. The night before Ms. Blue was very nervous. She was clinging to Ainzli, and being the wonderful big sister she is, she was spewing nothing but encouragement. (Another one of those "wow" parenting moments, I just l.o.v.e those). So as she curled up in bed with her sister she was feeling better and assured she could do it.
The kids gets asked a lot of questions, they do a hearing test, a sight test, running, jumping..... I think that is about all. The parents sit through an orientation to our elementary, meet a few of the staff, and fill out so much paperwork. When all is finished you really are feeling good about this big step.

A little dialogue we had at lunch afterwards:

Me: How did it go?
Lillie: Good
Me: Do you feel like you are ready to go to school everyday?
Lillie: (With her eyes in that "are you kidding me" look)
Mom, I got everything right. They circled all my answers.
Me: Are you sure that means you got everything right?
Lillie: YES!

Obviously, the lack of confidence from the night before did not spill over into the morning. She is positive she aced everything. Oh my, is her teacher in for it!

In about 4 months I will be kid less during the day. It will be nine years that I have had a little woman home with me. I am excited, anxious, weepy, exhilarated; not all at the same time, just depends on what day you ask me! I try to look at each step of my life with rose colored glasses, some are easier than others. This step is one of the harder feeling ones thus far. The only constant in life is change.

Ms. Blue is ready and I promise I will be ready too. :)

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