

I often wonder if I am the only one who needs perspective. I can allow things to consume my mind, sometimes to the point of debilitation and confusion. I subscribed to a daily devotional about a year ago that comes right to my inbox. I enjoy it; short, sweet and always loaded with scripture. So Sunday, I wake up and grab my phone (have I told you how wonderful my phone is? HA!) and open up my God's Minute. 

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  {John 3:8}

The Holy Spirit. Yes. It is amazing. Mind blowing. And in my small mind often hard for me to grasp or get perspective on. So Pastor Allen continues with his devotional and I am diligently reading and BAM! at the bottom is something I have been longing to be able to put into "laymen's" terms. 

"Therefore in closing, Autumn, always remember that we are not human beings having a Spiritual experience, but Spiritual Beings having a human experience!"

Ah. Thank you for perspective Lord, just when I need it. :)

Sunday was so beautiful. Above is a leaf Lillie found blowing around. Amazing how our winter effected this particular leaf. Love it!

Daffodils always make me smile. These are miniatures that my neighbor planted a couple of years ago. Spring has sprung!

Have a blessed day

Autumn :)

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