

I have been thinking about my "everyday's". I know that isn't grammatically correct, but that is what they are. We do school, pre-school, work, home, errands; like most families I know. Our "everyday's". It can become mundane, but overall there is nothing else I would rather be doing. This will be my last year with my little sidekick. That thought literally "kicks me in the side." Lillie Blue will be starting kindergarten, and although that is quite a few months away, I think about it a lot. I enjoy our little talks, not getting out of our pajamas (or not wearing anything but little striped underwear and polka dotted socks, I am talking about Ms. Blue of course, and that is her attire today), reading with her, taking her to the office, doing anything with her; our one-on-one.

Don't get me wrong, I love to load up and head toward the school to go get Ainzli, but the dynamic always drastically changes. My one-on-one time with Lillie was not spent at her infancy, it is now, and it will be drawing to an end in the not so distant future. I am not sad, I embrace each stage of my children's lives, but I have had a little woman home with me for the last 8 1/2 years. Wow, where in the *&%# did 8 1/2 years go?!

Just an "everyday" at the Grismore abode.

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