
The Over-Reactor

"Mom, Lillie's knocked out!", is the phrase that I hear from down the hall while I am cleaning up the dishes from supper. Instantly, I have a lump in my throat and I am positive my blood pressure has gone up 10 points. I briskly run to the end of the hallway and my look must have said it all. Ainzli instantly apologizes to me and has this look on her face that says, "Please don't be so mad at me your vein pops out in your forehead." I told her that this would never be something that would be funny to me, don't ever do it again, this is once again "crying wolf" and she said ok; all the while stroking a few strands of hair against her face with the "deer in the headlight" look.

I am the Over-Reactor type of Mom. This is not a character trait I am proud of. My mind always goes to the worst and I tell myself this is so that when it isn't bad I was prepared. I just pray daily that I am never faced with "the worst".  It has had me thinking for quite awhile, how do I overcome this ridiculous flaw? I want to be cool, calm, collected all those reactions that should come naturally, but can you gain them like knowledge? I believe you can.

Take the "knockout" situation. I know even a year ago, and definitely two years ago I would have dropped a dish on the floor, been crying by the time I got to them, and been yelling like a crazed lunatic (the look on Ainzli face expected it) when I realized she had been "just joking". I don't honestly know how I have started to resolve this. Getting older, a rock under pressure husband, daily prayer, having situations arise that teach me; I think all of these are reasons I am becoming a better reactive person. I have mastered breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, this is deep breathing, fill your lungs, no kidding, it works. I make the girls do it too, when they get really upset. It is called "whoo-sah" at the Grismore abode.

I don't know what kind of a "reaction" person you are, but if you are my hero type, bless you. For the rest of us, we can work on this, overcome it, and be that person up front leading with grace under pressure. (too much, I think not, we all need positive reinforcement every now and again.)

This is one of the fun pictures from our shoot with Abby. Can you see the craze lunacy in my eyes? Hopefully not. :) 

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