
One of Two

"Mom, I guess I'm doing better in math." says Miss Ainzli. I thought, how is that possible, you had an A on your last report card in math and that was only two weeks ago. Well, come to find out, that was a big deal because her teacher told the class that if their report cards were coming out today only two kids would have an A in math, Ainzli and her friend Luke.

That is a big deal! I mean a really big deal for Ainzli.  You see, her teacher last year informed me she is a "teacher pleaser". I was a little taken aback, is that bad? good? indifferent? So me, I over thought it and fretted over it for a month before I just asked her what she meant. She said "it's ok, that is just her personality make up," and she left it at that. Honestly, I'm still not sure what she thinks of it, but I know she loves Ainzli so it must not have been too inconvenient for her.

I read in a book a couple of years ago, sadly I can't remember the name of it, that there needs to be an area in your house for homework. So I created it. The front room in our house is the largest room and the one that gets the most amount of "work".

The homework table is wonderful. Ainzli comes home and immediately gets her S.T.A.R binder out and gets started on any work she has. No prompting. Once this table was established there was no question about what was expected on the homework front. All supplies are right there. Milk glass holds the pencils, erasers and such; old wipe carton holds crayons and markers; and the natural light flowing in the picture window make no need for artifical light, at least most of the time.

With life being so hectic, it is nice to not have to battle with homework expectations.

Thank you Homework Table.  :)


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