64 degrees, the high for yesterday. Today, not quite as high, but still awesome. I know this sounds really sad, but I slotted out 25 minutes to play basketball with Ainzli yesterday. Things have been a little crazy lately, just to say the least. So the fact that I even have to mention penciling my child in makes my head hurt. But we enjoyed it immensely, got our heart rates up, and I totally smashed her on the court. (That was supposed to be funny, hope your laughing now!).
Shannon is in the process of painting and doing a little updating to the "boys" bathroom. Yeah!!!!! We only have one boy (man, love you Shannon) in the house, but we have a boys bathroom (hum?).
This bathroom is just off the laundry/home office/mudroom, so things are a disaster around the Grismore abode. There is so much dirty laundry you could seriously misplace a small child. Where, where do all these dirty clothes come from? I know I don't wear them all, but those girls! I am pretty sure they pull something out of the drawer, look at it, decide no, then it lands on the floor. We have been working on this little "bad" habit, and they are doing better thank goodness. Sorry for the laundry tangent, but our housekeeper is fired!
So in all of the chaos that insumes my life regularly, the weather yesterday was a blessed gift. I was standing at the sink (not doing dishes, by the way, literally just standing there thinking off into space). I opened the window, a flock of honking geese went cruising by, the air was crisp and wonderful to just drink in.
2 minutes of peace.
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